
Anethum graveolens

A popular culinary annual herb, best grown when the weather has warmed up in spring. It is sensitive to root disturbance and needs care when transplanting 9x9cm pot (8cm depth)

9cm pot (8cm depth)

Sale price£3.10
Currently unavailable


  • Soothing herb especially for children
  • Promotes sleep
  • Popular culinary herb
  • Aromatic

Used as soothing herb by the Egyptians, dill has a very long history of use both as a culinary and medicinal herb. It was thought to bring happiness and good fortune to a marriage and was included in love potions and aphrodisiacs to make them more effective. The feathery leaves and numerous umbels of yellow flowers make this an attractive as well as useful herb.

Plant Care

  • Height: 60-100cm
  • Type: Half hardy/tender
  • Aspect: Sun
  • Soil: Any/alkaline
  • Flower colour: yellow
  • Flowering period: July - September

Dill grows best when the weather has warmed up in spring - until then it can look a bit sad and as it isn't growing is susceptible to damping off or being eaten by slugs and snails. The roots are sensitive to disturbance, so be gentle when planting it out or potting it on. It enjoys a sunny site and prefers a position that isn't exposed to strong cold winds. It will eventually grow quite tall and produce pretty umbels of yellow flowers. The seed can be harvested for sowing the following year or of course to eat.


Dill really is one of the classic summer herbs. It is used traditionally around the world in many culinary recipes such as gravlax and pickled gherkins. It works well with most fish and is particularly good in smoked salmon pate, potato salads, tzatziki, leafy salads and with cucumber, pasta and eggs. Dill has a long history of use in gripe water recipes to help ease colic in babies. Oil extracted from dill seed is used  as a flavouring in the food industry.




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