
Amaranthus tricolor

An annual herb that likes the warmer weather – both the leaves and seeds are edible, nutritious and high in protein. 9x9cm pot (8cm depth)

9cm pot (8cm depth)

Sale price£3
Currently unavailable


  • Nutritious leaves and seed
  • Beautiful decorative seed heads
  • Ruby red leaves attractive in salads
  • Works well as a garden ornamental

Native to tropical countries where the leaves are widely eaten and grown as a horticultural crop, the seeds are harvested and used as a gluten free ‘grain’. The name amaranth is derived from the Greek meaning ‘everlasting’ or ‘unfading’ due to the length of time the flowers last. A useful and attractive plant to grow.

Plant Care

  • Height: 60-100cm
  • Type: Tender
  • Aspect: Sun
  • Soil: Any/alkaline
  • Flower colour: Red
  • Flowering period: June - August

This strikingly beautiful perennial is hardy in the UK, but can suffer in soils that become very wet in winter, so is better suited to well drained positions. It can tolerate a bit f shade, but on the whole prefers the sun. It is very prone to powdery mildew and a site that isn’t crowded with plants helps this by allowing some air circulation around the leaves. As a herbaceous perennial it dies down completely in autumn and regrows again in spring. It does well in pots.


The beautiful pink flowers and look amazing added to summer drinks and fresh fruit salads. The slightly mint tasting leaves can be used salads and fruit dishes.
Both flowers and leaves can be infused in hot water or honey to help with coughs and colds, and both can be added to a bath or herbal steam for inhalation to help with congestion. All parts can be dried for future use by hanging out of direct sunlight and storing in an airtight container.




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