Cotton lavender - lemon fizz

Santolina virens

A golden leaved aromatic shrub, it makes an attractive addition to the garden, especially grown in a pot. It can be made into scented sachets and added to pot pourii. 9x9cm pot (8cm depth)

9cm pot (8cm depth)

Sale price£3.10
Currently unavailable


  • Aromatic herb
  • Attractive golden foliage
  • Yellow pompom flowers
  • Easy to dry and use.

There has been little use for santolina as a herb, although its use in expelling worms has been recorded. It seems the decorative properties of this stunning golden leaved variety are enough.

Plant Care

  • Height: 60-100cm
  • Type: Hardy
  • Aspect: Sun
  • Soil: Any/alkaline
  • Flower colour: Yellow
  • Flowering period: July - August

This stunning herb loves sun and a well-drained soil. It isn't always reliable in winter if growing in a cold area, but as it makes such a striking container herb it can be moved to a more sheltered position come winter. Mine has been growing happily in a terracotta pot next to the fence which gives it a bit of shelter for over five years now. After flowering cut back by fifty percent to keep a nice compact shape.




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